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Irregular Shaped Rugs

Irregular Shaped Rugs

Who says rugs have to be perfect circles or rectangles? Our collection of irregularly shaped rugs features unique designs and unexpected shapes to make a statement in your home.
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+ 4 Sizes

Oval grey Outdoor Rug

from €233 for 1 pc.
+ 3 Sizes

Designer Sand Rug

€6,178 from €4,993 for 1 pc.

Artistic Novelty Handwoven Wool Rug

€5,713 from €4,618 for 1 pc.
+ 2 Sizes

Pop Art Rose Luxury Rug

€7,276 from €5,881 for 1 pc.
+ 2 Sizes

Designer Rust Shaped Rug

€5,850 from €4,729 for 1 pc.

Pop Art Designer Green / Blue Luxury Rug

from €2,459 for 1 pc.
Ready To Ship
+ 2 Sizes

Tramonto Wool / Viscose Luxury Rug

€1,221 from €1,136 for 1 pc.
Ready To Ship

Artistic Novelty Handwoven Wool Rug

€6,458 from €5,220 for 1 pc.
+ 2 Sizes

Magnolia Pink Designer Handwoven Rug

from €463 for 1 pc.
Ready To Ship
+ 3 Sizes

Modern Eclypse Rug

from €1,623 for 1 pc.
+ 4 Sizes

Fresco Form Forest Handwoven Rug

from €749 for 1 pc.
Ready To Ship

Artistic Novelty Handwoven Wool Rug

€4,968 from €4,016 for 1 pc.
+ 4 Sizes

Jardin Hand Woven Rug

from €574 for 1 pc.
Ready To Ship

Art Deco Designer Luxury Rug

from €2,459 for 1 pc.
Ready To Ship

Artistic Novelty Handwoven Wool Rug

€6,475 from €5,234 for 1 pc.

Padded Wool Rug

from €2,842 for 1 pc.

Geo Art Nepal Designer Wool Rug

from €3,025 for 1 pc.

Rooster Wool Rug

from €7,083 for 1 pc.

Spectrum Designer Wool Rug

from €2,017 for 1 pc.

Multishape Luxury 100% Wool Rug

€5,867 from €5,573 for 1 pc.

Galileo Hand-Knotted Wool / Silk Rug

€12,125 from €11,519 for 1 pc.

Multishape Luxury 100% Wool Rug

€13,333 from €12,667 for 1 pc.

Lhotse 1 Luxury Rug

€3,758 from €3,383 for 1 pc.

Multishape Luxury 100% Wool Rug

€4,000 from €3,800 for 1 pc.

Dream Island Designer Wool Rug

from €11,875 for 1 pc.
Items Per Page:

Irregular Rugs - The Unconventional Hero of Home Décor

Are you tired of your space looking like a cookie-cutter template? Want to add some quirkiness to your floors? Say hello to irregular rugs, the unconventional hero of home décor. These rugs come in all sorts of shapes, from triangles and hexagons to free-form, asymmetrical designs that break the monotony of rectangular and circular rugs.

At SayRug, we believe that every space deserves a rug that matches its personality. That's why we've compiled a list of the best irregular rugs to help you unleash your creative side.

  1. Hexagonal Hues

    Who said rugs had to be rectangular? Hexagonal rugs offer a fun and modern twist to the typical rug shape. With its six sides and angles, it creates an exciting visual dynamic, adding texture and depth to your space. Plus, its unique shape allows it to fit perfectly in odd-shaped spaces that a rectangular rug simply can't.

  2. Triangular Treats

    Triangles may be the strongest shape, but they're also a bold and striking choice for a rug. Their pointed edges add a sharpness that breaks the monotony of a rectangular rug. Plus, their asymmetrical shape makes them perfect for layering, creating a visually stunning space that is uniquely yours.

  3. Free-Form Funk

    Why stick to a particular shape when you can have a rug that is as unique as your personality? Free-form irregular rugs offer limitless possibilities for creativity. Whether it's an abstract shape or a quirky silhouette, these rugs offer a level of individuality that can't be found in any other rug shape.

  4. Abstract Ambiance

    For those who love to mix things up, abstract-shaped rugs are the perfect choice. With their asymmetrical shapes and unique angles, these rugs offer a bold statement that can't be ignored. Plus, their abstract designs allow for a range of colours and patterns, making them an excellent choice for adding a pop of personality to your space.

  5. Curvy Comfort

    Irregular rugs don't always have to be edgy and angular. Curved, irregular shapes offer a softness and comfort that can't be found in traditional rectangular rugs. Their flowing shapes create a sense of movement that adds a touch of whimsy to your space. Plus, their unique shapes offer endless possibilities for creative placement, giving you the freedom to experiment with your rug placement.

Irregular rugs have been around for centuries and were originally handcrafted by skilled artisans. Today, with advances in technology and manufacturing, irregular rugs can be produced in a variety of shapes and sizes with precision.

Irregular rugs offer a level of creativity and personality that can't be found in traditional rug shapes. From hexagons to abstract designs, these rugs allow you to express your individuality and make a statement in your space. So, go ahead and embrace the irregular, and let your floors speak volumes about your unique sense of style.

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